Day: April 4, 2020

left human palm
Sheila's Blog

Hope in the Time of Corona

What is hope? What exactly does it mean to be hopeful— especially in such unprecedented, turbulent times? My mind goes back to 2012 when I was barely hanging on. Something happened to me beyond my control and I was suffering physically. I didn’t know whether I would live or die or if what I was experiencing would be my new normal. It was a scary time, to say the least. I began to cling to God like never before, and I found things to watch on YouTube that provided me with hope. Testimonies of people who had come out of excruciating pain or been healed of “untreatable” illnesses gave me hope. I could not watch anything on TV that increased my fears. That meant muting the ads for medication that detailed all sorts of awful side effects. I listened to the Bible on my phone and wrote Scripture verses on notecards that dealt with fear, hope, healing, and other topics. I put the cards all over my house where I could see them. I memorized the verses and hid them in my heart. Some of these notecards are still on my mirrors and walls. One of my favorites is Romans 15:13

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